Well, despite an unpromising start with a cloudy sky and only three of us taking to the field initially, eventually the sun came out and more players arrived, so we managed 24 splendid overs of fun and silliness before retiring back to The New Inn for post-match discussions and more cold drinks.
Due to the shortage of staff, however, umpiring and scoring had to be combined so the recording of each performance may have been even more slapdash than usual... which is saying something! But i think the results and honours went something like:
3rd place, bronze medal award to... Jonny Bob (not me) with 9 "runs"
2nd place, silver medal went to Lukie with an impressive 12 scored, and
1st place with only a small margin and a fine 13 runs scored was Bruce, congratulations!
Person of the match i think must be Lukie and no wonder she's in the school rounders team (which was mentioned once or twice ;) and i think the Champagne/Ram'n'Spesh Moment should go to Lukie's little sister Polinsky standing in as umpire wearing the official white coat with such style and aplomb! (hopefully there are photos?)
Looking forward to the next one on the 14th August, must try and do a little maintenance on the kit before then, washing the umpire's coat at least! :)
Well done everyone who made it, thanks for coming along!